On 23 November 2016, the BroadMap project was presented in the context of the latest PSCE conference in Athens. The project was presented under the focus on ‘Broadband worldwide’. The presentations expanded on the most recent developments in the USA.

Mr. David Lund, informed the participants about the development of the BroadMap project which will take the first steps towards future procurement of ‘European broadband applications and interoperable radio communication systems for public safety and security’ to improve PPDR’s service to Europe’s citizens and enhance interoperability across borders.

Mr. Manfred Blaha presented the inputs of BroadMap in the standardisation of critical communications. As Market Representation Partner, PSCE will be given the opportunity to bring its contribution to 3GPP and forward the requirements of practitioners. 

Mr. T.J. Kennedy presented FirstNet as well as the recent developments to the participants. He mentioned that FirstNet focused on consulting with Police Officers, Firefighters, and Emergency Medical Services (EMS) personnel in the fifty states, five territories and the District of Columbia in order to ensure that the resulting network would meet their critical mission. This has resulted in a nationwide request for proposal to meet the 16 objectives for wireless broadband for public safety across the United States.

More information is available on the PSCE Conference Athens Report 2016: http://psc-europe.eu/conference-material/psce-conference-in-athens-2016/psce-athens-2016-conference-report.html